Murali Krishna Valluri

Hello! I am Murali, living in Seattle, WA - I currently work as Software Engineer in AWS CloudWatch organization and specialize in building large scale, fault tolerant distributed systems handling millions of TPS with low latency. My work experience spans over 8 years with 3 years working as software engineer in NCR corporation and over 5 years experience within AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS), CloudFormation and CloudWatch organizations. I am passionate about building software and take great interest in everything related to it. My current most researched topics include networking protocols and their implementation, maintaining and operating services at scale, benchmarking LLM based applications

I am from Hyderabad, India and have done my bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Hyderabad. After graduation, I worked in NCR Corporation for 2 years building Advanced Marketing Solution (AMS) product. I've then moved to the US and did my masters majoring in Computer Science from University of Illinois, Chicago. After completing my masters, I've moved to Atlanta, GA and joined NCR working in the same team that I was in India. After an year working in NCR, I've moved to Seattle, WA and joined AWS EBS organization and built features for AWS Data Lifecycle Manager product. Later I've moved to Vancouver, BC and joined AWS CloudFormation, where I've worked for an year before moving to AWS CloudWatch organization.

Apart from work, I love photography and currently have Fuji X-T20 and X-T3 with range of portrait and red-badge lenses. I am more of a landscape phographer and love going to national and state parks (one of the reasons for me to move to pacific northwest), but I recently found an interest in taking portrait photos (especially of my wife). During weekends, I like cooking Indian food and my long term goal is to document all the recipes that my family cooks (especially my mom) and streamline the process that helps future generations.